(All City meetings are open to the public)
City Council Meeting
Tuesday, August 4, 2023 at 5:15 p.m.
Lloyd Andrews City Meeting Hall
Citizens are invited to attend the meeting or you may join the meeting via Zoom.
Join the meeting through Zoom on your computer or smartphone
Please click on the link below to join the webinar:
Webinar ID: 838 8608 9858
Passcode: 159560
If you have not used Zoom before, we encourage you to download the application from their website at prior to the meeting. There is no cost associated with the software or to attend the meeting.
Join the meeting through audio only via telephone
Call 1-301-715-8592. When prompted, enter Meeting ID: 83886089858 followed by the pound sign (#) and then enter meeting Password: 159560 followed by the pound sign (#). Depending on your telephone carrier, long distance charges may apply.
Watch the meeting on television
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Notice is hereby given that the Roanoke Rapids City Council will conduct a public hearing on August 4, 2023, at 5:15 PM, or as soon thereafter as the agenda will allow, in the Lloyd Andrews City Meeting Hall, 700 Jackson Street, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 to solicit public input on local community development needs in relation to Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for a project in the community.
The City of Roanoke Rapids anticipates submitting a Neighborhood Revitalization application in 2023. Information on the amount of funding available, the requirements on benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, eligible activities, and plans to minimize displacement and provide displacement assistance as necessary will be available. Citizens will also be given the opportunity to provide oral and written comment on the Town’s use of CDBG funds. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend.
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City Hall re-opened to the public on Monday, June 22, 2023 with its regular business hours.
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The City of Roanoke Rapids remains committed to providing all essential services to our citizens while keeping our staff and the public safe. We are putting safety measures in place to help ensure the public feels comfortable making business transactions in City Hall. We encourage everyone to practice the 3 W’s (Wear a face covering, Wait at least 6 feet from others and Wash your hands often or use sanitizer).
Members of the public may still conduct business with the City of Roanoke Rapids by phone at (252) 533-2800 or online at A collection drop-box is available in the foyer of City Hall for payments by check-only (please do not include cash). For immediate concerns, please call the intended department phone number listed so we may work with you on a solution for your operational needs.
The Magistrate’s office remains open for business with public access.
Below is a list of helpful phone numbers for those seeking to contact city staff. In case of emergency, please dial 9-1-1.
• Directory/Switchboard: (252) 533-2800
• City Manager: (252)533-2840
• Public Works: (252) 533-2846
• Planning & Development: (252) 533-2844
• Parks & Recreation: (252) 533-2847
• Police (non-emergency): (252) 533-2810
• Fire Department (non-emergency): Station 1 (252) 533-2880; Station 2 (252) 573-9032
• Finance: (252) 533-2841
• Human Resources: (252) 533-2845
• Main Street: (252) 533-2838
The City of Roanoke Rapids has two recycling container sites. One is at the Public Works facility located at 1313 Hinson Street and the other is located at the Aquatic Center at TJ Davis Recreation at 500 E. 6th Street. The public will have 24-hour access to these facilities for combined recyclable materials.
For more information, contact the Public Works Department at (252) 533-2846.
Contact Traci Storey, City Clerk, at 533-2840 for committee information.
City of Roanoke Rapids Government
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The US Census Bureau has opened the 2023 Census Jobs website. The site provides information on job qualifications, locations, and pay rates. If you’re interested in a 2023 Census job, you can apply online.
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We have started collecting loose leaves in the alleys. Alleys are only collected once during the season. Also, we are still collecting loose leaves on the street front. Reminder that loose leaf season ends at the end of February. Crews work a daily assigned route and cannot take special requests or...
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